Welcome to the South Okanagan
Similkameen Teachers' Union
Quality Learning through committed, professional teachers!
South Okanagan Similkameen Teachers' Union is a not-for-profit organization that seeks to foster and promote education in SD#53 public schools and promotes the professional development and welfare of its members.
SOSTU is ​a member funded society under the Societies Act of the Province of British Columbia. SOSTU is a small sub-local of the British Columbia Teacher’s Federation (BCTF) which represents 43,000 public school teachers in the province of British Columbia, Canada.
Who is included in SOSTU?
The South Okanagan Similkameen Teachers’ Union (SOSTU) is comprised of over 235 teachers employed in School District #53. The school district incorporates the Similkameen Valley and the South Okanagan Valley.
We teach in 5 elementary schools (Cawston, OK Falls, Osoyoos, Oliver, Tuc-el-nuit,) and 3 secondary schools (SESS, SOSS, OSS) and 1 DL/Inclusion school (Youlearn.ca).
Pro-D Documents
Pro-D Funds Reimbursement
After completing your Pro-D activities, use this form to submit your expenditures!
Pro-D Workshop Funds Actual Expenditures
To be filled out by your Pro-D representative or chairperson for group activities
Professional Dev. Plan
Outline all of your Pro-D activities for the school year and submit to your Pro-D Rep