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Professional Development

This is a joint committee / SOSTU & SD#53

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Last Updated:  October 2023

Pro-D Documents

Explanation of the required Pro-D activities for the current school year

Please read these through before planning your Pro-D activities

Pro-D Funds Reimbursement

After completing your Pro-D activities, use this form to submit your expenditures!

Pro-D Funds Request

Fill this out prior to your Pro-D activities

What constitutes Pro-D?


Self-Assessment Tool 

Pro-D Workshop Funds Actual Expenditures

To be filled out by your Pro-D representative or chairperson for group activities

Professional Dev. Plan

Outline all of your Pro-D activities for the school year and submit to your Pro-D Rep

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School District 53

We are grateful to live, learn and play on the beautiful and traditional unceded territory of the Okanagan Syilx People.

@2023 Miles Derksen c/o SOSTU

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